The Gundog Club of WA


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Gundog Club of WA Final Weekend of Retrieving Trials for 2024

The Gundog Club of WA held the Brinn Memorial Novice, Frances Mckenna Memorial Restricted and the Stern-Glory All Age Stakes on Saturday and Sunday, 20 and 21 July 2024 at a beautiful property near Jennacubbine. Thank you to the property owners allowing us to use their property and to Ray Johnson for liaising with the owners. The forecast suggested showers, but it stayed mainly cool and dry with sunny intervals, perfect weather for trialling for us all to enjoy.

A BIG thank you to our Judges, Chief Stewards and our Field stewards for all their hard work making this weekend a great success. Special thanks to Kirsty for catering for Judges and stewards lunches. To everyone else who helped when they could on the day it is all greatly appreciated

Brinn Memorial Novice Stake, Saturday, 21 July 2024 
Judge: Mr Anthony Nesbitt, Chief Steward: Colin Hankinson

Field stewards: Kirsty Jackson, Maggie Hankinson and Allan Bartram.

10 Entries, 8 dogs Started, 7 Finished.

1st Conrhenny Poetry In Motion - GR B Alex Deasy 178pts
2nd Mhadaidh Hunta A Flying Scot – GR D Michael Mason 170 pts
3rd Mhadaidh Zena The Fireball – GRB Michael Mason 167 pts

Top Score Run 1 – Conrhenny Poetry In Motion – 63 pts

Top Score Run 2 - Mhadaidh Zena The Fireball – 56 pts
Top Score Run 3 - Conrhenny Poetry In Motion & Mhadaidh Hunta A Flying Scot – 60 pts

Frances Mckenna Memorial Restricted Stake, Saturday, 21 July 2024
Judge: Mrs Kerry Webster, Chief Steward: Ian Molyneux

Field stewards: Kirsty Jackson, Donna Blackman, Trisha McGregor, Alex Deasy and Allan Bartram

Entered 14, Started 11, Finished 7

14 Entries, 11 Started, 7 Finished.

1st Boomermagic Back On Line RRD SWA RE – LR D Maggie Hankinson 175pts
2nd Boomermagic Guns In The Sky NRD SWA – LR B Colin Hankinson 141 pts
3rd Wauchope Naked Gun NRD - GSP B Eleanor Johnson 136 pts

Top Score Run 1 – Boomermagic Back On Line RRD SWA RE – 61 pts

Top Score Run 2 - Boomermagic Back On Line RRD SWA RE – 59 pts
Top Score Run 3 - Boomermagic Back On Line RRD SWA RE – 55pts

Stern-Glory All Age Stake, Sunday, 21 July 2024
Judge: Mrs Catherine Thorburn, Chief Steward: Allan Bartram

Field stewards: Kirsty Jackson, Mark Jackson, Dennis Graham, Stephen Conroy

15 Entries, 14 dogs Started, 8 Finished.

1st RT CH Boomermagic Solar Flare JDM JDO AD SWA RM - LR B Maggie Hankinson 160pts
2nd RT CH Ellishea Wyatts Leroux UD RN - GR D Alex Deasy 158 pts
3rd RT CH Ellishea Wyatts Flash - GR B Heather Ellis 156 pts

Top Score Run 1 - RT CH Ellishea Wyatts Flash – 60 pts

Top Score Run 2 - RT CH Ellishea Wyatts LeRoux UD RN & RT CH Ellishea Wyatts Flash – 59 pts
Top Score Run 3 – RT CH Ellishea Rips Stormgirl – 53 pts

Thank you everyone for supporting the Gundog Club Trials throughout the 2024 season,
we wish all competitors Good Luck for the remaining trials this season.

Cheers from the Gundog Club Performance Team Maggie, Colin, Mark, Kirsty & Katie

The Gundog Club of WA Novice & Restricted Stakes 09 June 2024.

Our appreciation to the property owners in Wooroloo for allowing us to use this beautiful site for the trial and to Kerry Webster for organising permission to use property. With a bit of rain in the couple of weeks leading up to the trial it was starting to look green at last and the dams while still a long way from filling up are looking fresher. Unfortunately some of the rain was still happening on the day with a couple of heavy showers and rather cool but great conditions for the dogs.
A very special thanks to Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne of 7 to 1 photography for braving the cold and damp to hide in the bushes and photograph our dogs in action, we eagerly await Kelly posting her gallery on the Facebook page.
Thank you to our Novice Stake Judge, Mrs Maggie Hankinson, who set runs in some different areas of the property with nice cover and undulating terrain to test the dogs marking and heeling skills, with the final run at the main dam requiring the dogs to swim. A strong field of Novice dogs today and all dogs completed the stake.
Mr Colin Hankinson did an excellent job as Chief Steward for the Novice Stake.
A big thank you to our Novice Stewards: Katie Partridge (Vetting), Steve Conroy, Terry Little, Ann Graham and Dennis Graham.

11 dogs Started, 11 Finished.

1st Oakridge Aspenglow CD - GSP B Anthony Nesbitt 167pts
2nd Netherdee The Lone Piper - CS D Mark Jackson 158 pts
3rd Wauchope Naked Gun QND - GSP B Ray Johnson (Owner Eli Johnson) 150 pts

Top Score Run 1 - Netherdee The Lone Piper – Mark Jackson – 58 pts
Top Score Run 2 - Oakridge Aspenglow CD – Anthony Nesbitt – 60 pts
Top Score Run 3 - R CH Albionshore Spell Weaver GD JDM SD SPD ADM CD SWN – Katie Partridge – 61 pts

Thank you to our Restricted Stake Judge, Mr Ray Johnson, who set some interesting runs to test the dogs understanding of concepts, memory and commitment to water with a bonus opportunity to work with rabbits and decoys. Nice to see all the dogs prepared to retrieve the rabbit.
Mr Anthony Nesbitt did an excellent job as Chief Steward for the Restricted Stake, assisting our judge to set the course and keep everything running smoothly. Thank you to our Restricted Stewards: Ann Graham, Dennis Graham, Steve Conroy, Trisha McGregor and Marleen Boom, and also to competitors who stepped in to help on the last run; Mark Jackson and Alex Deasy.

12 dogs Started, 7 Finished.

1st Boomermagic By My Side SWN JD – LR B Maggie Hankinson 178pts
2nd Valleybrook True Justice - LR D Judy Pannett 172 pts
3rd Boomermagic Here Comes Dooley TK.S NRD JD AD SWN - LR D Katie Partridge 157 pts
This win gives qualifies Vixen for her NRD title, congratulations Maggie
Top Score Run 1 - Double Mark - Boomermagic By My Side SWN JD – Maggie Hankinson – 61 pts
Top Score Run 2 – Blind (rabbit) & Two Bird - Boomermagic By My Side SWN JD – Maggie Hankinson – 60 pts
Top Score Run 3 – Double Rise (across water with heeling passed decoys to the firing point) - Valleybrook True Justice – Judy Pannett – 60 pts
Congratulations to all winners and place getters
Thank you to the Gundog Club of WA Committee members for all their work behind the scenes. Thanks also to the competitors who were always ready for their run and fetched and carried when needed.
Thank you to Colin Hankinson for the winners photos and Maggie Hankinson for the report.

The Gundog Club of WA Patricia McKenna Memorial All Age Stake 2024

The Gundog Club of WA held their first All Age Retrieving trial of the year, the Patricia McKenna Memorial Stake, on Mother’s Day, Sunday, 12 May 2024 at a property near Jennacubbine. One of the few properties around with any swimming water this year.  Our appreciation to the property owner for allowing us to use this beautiful site for the trial and to Catherine Thorburn for organising permission to use the site for a camping weekend with back to back All Age stakes with ANRTWP.

Thank to our Judge, Ms Eleanor Johnson, who made great use of the terrain, cover and water available at the site to test the dogs in just about every possible aspect of retrieving and variety of game. Mr Colin Hankinson did an excellent job as Chief Steward for the day, assisting our judge to set the course and keep everything running smoothly.

We are extremely grateful for the support of our Stewards: Anne Cameron, Allan Bartram, Mark Jackson and Katie Partridge, a brilliant team effort, to Catherine Thorburn for being our trial secretary and also Committee members for all their work before and after trials. Thanks also to the competitors who kept the runs moving and fetched and carried when needed and supporting the Club fundraising.

9 dogs Started, 3 Finished.

1st RT CH Brigodee Diamonds Bow Ty N Tux CM – LRD Kerry Webster 132pts
2nd RT CH Ellishea Wyatts Leroux UD RN - GRD Alex Deasy 122 pts
3rd RT CH Boomermagic Solar Flare RE AD JDM JDO SWA - LRB Maggie Hankinson 101 pts

Run 1: Double Fall and blind.
Top Score – RT CH Brigodee Diamonds Bow Ty N Tux CM – 44pts

Run 2: Double Rise with wounded game.
Top Score – RT CH Ellishea Wyatts LeRoux UD RN – 49pts

Run 3: Double Mark (long Mark landing in water) and Blind (on tussock across water).
Top Score – RT CH Brigodee Diamonds Bow Ty N Tux CM – 47pts

The Judge also presented her special award to Terry Little and his Labrador dog Brigodee Diamonds Boy, who competitors were delighted to see coming so close to completing an All Age trial.

Thank you to Colin Hankinson for the winners photo and Maggie Hankinson for the report

Please click on the links below for Show and Trial results.

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Contact Details

The Gundog Club of WA (Inc)
Gosnells, WA, Australia
Email : [email protected]